"Mark's music touches something Inside me. It's like a cozy blanket surrounding me. It's soothing and calming and gives security and strength. Even when singing about the Sad things, he is guiding the listener through it. It feels like people do not have to face the hard stuff alone. He is not giving the answer but leaving a window of hope " 

-Carola Wachholder -Vienna, Austria


Mark is an American singer-songwriter born and raised in Columbus Ohio. He is influenced by a wide range of musical genres as well as a strong influence of the visual arts and is best known for his visceral songwriting approach. His music is soothing and soulful and touches the heart with a unique style and dream-like soundscapes. He has released two Studio albums with a third on the way in the summer of 2021. He has toured throughout the Midwest, California and Arizona, opening for national headliners such as Cat Clyde and Jeremie Albino!